Products with author Gilles, Tim

Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, Repair
by Gilles, Tim

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Product Description
The newly revised 4th edition of AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE: INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR contains all the knowledge and skills necessary for readers to be successful in a number of automotive careers. This text covers all eight major course areas of automotive technology by progressing students through an introduction to shop management and then covering theories of vehicle systems operations with step-by-step procedures for troubleshooting and repairing automobiles. Technically reviewed by instructors and industry experts, the 4th edition of this popular text is designed in particular for the needs of those readers enrolled in NATEF-certified programs. Updated and expanded content in this edition includes coverage of hybrid vehicles, HTHS viscosity ratings, latest coolants, ejector cycle systems, dynamometer, and turbochargers and superchargers.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 1556 pages | 7.53 Lbs
ISBN: 1111128618
ISBN-13: 9781111128616
Edition: 4
Publisher: Cengage Learning | Publish Date 01/11 | Copyright 2012

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