Natural Disasters
by Marshak, Stephen

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Product Description
As our planet changes and human population grows, students will see new examples every year of the devastating impact that geologic and atmospheric disasters have on communities. Through vibrant and detailed visuals, engaging writing, and extended case studies, Natural Disasters helps explain the science behind these catastrophes and the societal factors that shape our responses. Step-by-step art makes key concepts accessible to all students. And two case studies in every chapter.."covering one North American and one global example and reinforced through online Guided Learning Explorations.."get students examining the societal factors that help shape how communities deal with these disasters.

Product Information
Binding: Softcover
Specs: 712 pages | 3.14 Lbs
ISBN: 0393532593
ISBN-13: 9780393532593
Edition: 1
Publisher: Norton, W.W. & Company, Incorporated | Publish Date 07/22 | Copyright 2022

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