Products with author Maria Polica

Nano-phytoremediation and Environmental Pollution:Strategies and Mechanisms
by Maria Polica

List Price:$130.00
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Product Description
The proposed book discusses nano-phytoremediation: the use nanotechnology in combination with phytoremediation to restore polluted environs enhancing the process efficiency. The first part of the book is dedicated to explore organic and inorganic pollution and the threats they pose as to living forms; advantages, disadvantages and mechanisms of phytoremediation. The second part is dedicated to explore joint use of plants and nanomaterials and the nano-phytoremediaiton of water and soil.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 316 pages
ISBN: 1032030232
ISBN-13: 9781032030234
Edition: 1
Publisher: CRC Press | Publish Date 09/24 | Copyright 2025

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