The IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications (LASNPA) covered many topics including nuclear structure and low energy reactions; nuclear and particle astrophysics; the study of matter and the strong force in the framework of quantum chromodynamics (QCD); tests of fundamental symmetries; rare decays and electroweak physics; applications of nuclear physics in medicine, art/archeology, energy, and national security; and advances in nuclear instrumentation and facilities. These LASNPA Symposia play a key role in establishing and forging links among the many nuclear physics communities in Latin America and their colleagues worldwide. |
Binding: Hardcover |
Specs: 495 pages | 2 Lbs |
ISBN: 0735410038 |
ISBN-13: 9780735410039 |
Edition: 1 |
Publisher: American Institute of Physics | Publish Date 05/12 | Copyright 2012 |
Volume: 1423 |