  Products with author Marcus, Jacqueline B. MS, RD, CNS

Culinary Nutrition: The Science and Practice of Healthy Cooking
by Marcus, Jacqueline B. MS, RD, CNS

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Product Description
The first textbook specifically written to bridge the relationship between food science, nutrition and culinology, Culinary Nutrition: The Science and Practice of Healthy Cooking uses a comprehensive format with real-life applications, recipes and color photographs of finished dishes to emphasize the necessity of sustainably deliverable, health-beneficial and taste-desirable products. With pedagogical elements to enhance and reinforce learning opportunities, this book explores what foods involve the optimum nutritional value for dietary needs including specific dietary requirements, how foods are produced and explores alternative production methods, and the impact of preparation on both the nutritional value of a food and it's consumer acceptability. Explores the connections among the technical sciences of nutrition, food science and the culinary arts as well as consumer choices for diet, health and enjoyment. Offers creative, didactic and hands-on approaches for teaching to students with diverse capabilities. Presents laboratory-type, in-class activities using limited materials and real-life applications of complex concepts. Includes photographs and recipes to enhance learning experience.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 648 pages | 3.89 Lbs
ISBN: 0123918820
ISBN-13: 9780123918826
Edition: 1
Publisher: Academic Press, Incorporated | Publish Date 03/13 | Copyright 2013

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