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Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
by Palmer, P  - 2nd Ed. / ©2024 / Hardcover
 $25.00  $23.00 Savings: $2.00 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications
by Cai, Wenshan  - 2nd Ed. / ©2024 / Hardcover
 $179.00  $164.68 Savings: $14.32 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Live Well Foundations of High School Health
by McConnell, Karen E  - 1st Ed. / ©2024 / Hardcover
 $104.00  $95.68 Savings: $8.32 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Disciplinary Literacies: Unpacking Research, Theory, and Practice
by Ortlieb, E  - 1st Ed. / ©2024 / Softcover
 $54.00  $49.68 Savings: $4.32 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Advances in Thermoplastic Elastomers: Challenges and Opportunities
by Singha, Nikhil K  - 1st Ed. / ©2024 / Softcover
 $270.00  $248.40 Savings: $21.60 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Ronald Reagan's 1984:Politics, Policy, and Culture
by Cooper J  - 1st Ed. / ©2024 / Hardcover
 $44.99  $41.39 Savings: $3.60 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata
by Linz, P  - 7th Ed. / ©2023 / Hardcover
 $137.95  $126.91 Savings: $11.04 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Privitera, Gregory J.  - 4th Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $197.00  $181.24 Savings: $15.76 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know
by Paarlberg, Robert  - 3rd Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $18.95  $17.43 Savings: $1.52 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Doing Qualitative Research
by Crabtree, B  - 3rd Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $105.00  $96.60 Savings: $8.40 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Constructing Measures: An Item Response Modeling Approach
by Wilson, M  - 2nd Ed. / ©2023 / with Supplement
 $180.00  $165.60 Savings: $14.40 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Linux Fundamentals
by Blum, R  - 2nd Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $104.95  $96.55 Savings: $8.40 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
The Prevention and Management of Violence: Guidance for Mental Healthcare Professionals
by Khwaja, Masum  - 2nd Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $49.99  $45.99 Savings: $4.00 (8%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Neuroengineering, Second Edition
by DiLorenzo D  - 2nd Ed. / ©2023 / Hardcover
 $249.95  $237.45 Savings: $12.50 (5%)
This title is not yet published and release date is not yet known.
Biotechnology Fundamentals Third Edition
by Khan, Firdos A  - 1st Ed. / ©2023 / Softcover
 $66.99  $63.64 Savings: $3.35 (5%)
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
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