Political Science
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Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics
Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics
by Carroll, Susan J.
Your Price: $35.99
Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power
Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power
by Carter, Jimmy
Your Price: $28.00
Global Civil Society Yearbook 2009: Poverty and Activism
Global Civil Society Yearbook 2009: Poverty and Activism
by Glasius, M
Your Price: $89.00
Middle East Today: Political, Geographical and Cultural Perspectives
Middle East Today: Political, Geographical and Cultural Perspectives
by Stewart, Dona J.
Your Price: $49.95
Nationalism, Ethnicity and the State: Making and Breaking Nations
Nationalism, Ethnicity and the State: Making and Breaking Nations
by Coakley, J
Your Price: $70.00
Public Policymaking
Public Policymaking
by Anderson, J
Your Price: $231.95
Political Science Saint Louis University
Political Science Saint Louis University
by Palmer
Your Price: $29.33
At The Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance -- A New History of the Civial Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power
At The Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance -- A New History of the Civial Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power
by McGuire, Danielle
Your Price: $16.95
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, 2006 Edition Update
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, 2006 Edition Update
by Cummings
Your Price: $318.95
Rulemaking; How Government Agencies Write Law and Make Policy
Rulemaking; How Government Agencies Write Law and Make Policy
by Kerwin, Cornelius M.
Your Price: $95.00
International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation
International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation
by Malley-Morri
Your Price: $279.99
Globalization, Institutions and Governance
Globalization, Institutions and Governance
by Madeira, M
Your Price: $183.00
Managing Falls in Adult Day Services (CD-ROM)
Managing Falls in Adult Day Services (CD-ROM)
by Tideiksaar, Rein PhD
Your Price: $49.99
Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerilla
Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerilla
by Kilcullen, David
Your Price: $27.95
Ancient Greece: A Political, Social and Cultural History
Ancient Greece: A Political, Social and Cultural History
by Pomeroy, S
Your Price: $65.95