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Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Sports Medicine Surgery. Text with Access Code
by Azar, Frederick M. MD

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Product Description
This new quick-reference is the latest volume in the Illustrated Tips and Tricks series. You'll find succinct, precise information from a wide range of experts and prestigious institutions on tackling technical problems in sports medicine surgery. Drawings, operative photos, and videos are used liberally throughout the book to illustrate surgical techniques and provide a handy visual complement to the text. Features the latest surgical techniques, presented in a crisp, step-by-step style, and provides brief overviews of equipment, anesthesia, patient positioning, and other procedural elements. Designed for residents, fellows, and practicing orthopaedists--those in training or anyone who needs to brush up on the latest techniques. Covers common treatments for addressing bone and tendon injuries of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, foot, and ankle. Numerous figures, precisely drawn to minute detail, pack each chapter. Concise, bulleted format makes for easy reading and quick absorption of material.

Product Information
Binding: with Supplement
Specs: 558 pages | 3.66 Lbs
ISBN: 1496375416
ISBN-13: 9781496375414
Edition: 1
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | Publish Date 07/18 | Copyright 2019

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