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Basic Statistics and Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications
by De Muth, James E.

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Product Description
Focusing on applications to research, clinical trials, and quality control, Basic Statistics & Pharmaceutical Statistical Applications is a practical, easy-to-use text and reference that builds a basic knowledge of statistics. Accessible and non-threatening, it discusses all of the commonly used statistical tests and presents them with examples and worked out results. The emphasis is on correctly interpreting research results rather than on theory. Thoroughly revised and expanded, this edition includes new chapters on measures of associations, odds and relative risks ratios, and survival statistics. Other new material addresses process capability, tolerance limits, and reproducibility.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 744 pages | 3 Lbs
ISBN: 0849337992
ISBN-13: 9780849337994
Edition: 2
Publisher: Chapman & Hall | Publish Date 05/06 | Copyright 2006
Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series
Volume: 16
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