Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences
by Daniel, Wayne W. PhD

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Product Description
The ability to analyze and interpret enormous amounts of data has become a prerequisite for success in allied healthcare and the health sciences. Now in its 11th edition, Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences continues to offer in-depth guidance toward biostatistical concepts, techniques, and practical applications in the modern healthcare setting. Comprehensive in scope yet detailed in coverage, this text helps students understand--and appropriately use--probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, variance analysis, regression, correlation analysis, and other statistical tools fundamental to the science and practice of medicine.

Product Information
Binding: Softcover
Specs: 695 pages | 2.83 Lbs
ISBN: 1119282373
ISBN-13: 9781119282372
Old Edition: 1118302796
Edition: 11
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc. | Publish Date 11/18 | Copyright 2018

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