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100 Days of Real Food: How We Did It, What We Learned, and 100 Easy, Wholesome Recipes Your Family Will Love
by Leake, Lisa

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Product Description
The creator of the 100 Days of Real Food blog draws from her hugely popular website to offer simple, affordable, family-friendly recipes and practical advice for eliminating processed foods from your family's diet. Inspired by Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food, Lisa Leake decided her family's eating habits needed an overhaul. She, her husband, and their two small girls pledged to go 100 days without eating highly processed or refined foods.a challenge she opened to readers on her blog. Now, she shares their story, offering insights and cost-conscious recipes everyone can use to enjoy wholesome natural food.whole grains, fruits and vegetables, seafood, locally raised meats, natural juices, dried fruit, seeds, popcorn, natural honey, and more.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 359 pages | 2.78 Lbs
ISBN: 0062252550
ISBN-13: 9780062252555
Edition: 1
Publisher: Morrow, William and Company, Incorporated | Publish Date 08/14 | Copyright 2014

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