Understanding Analysis
by Abbott, Stephen

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Product Description
This lively introductory text exposes the student to the rewards of a rigorous study of functions of a real variable. In each chapter, informal discussions of questions that give analysis its inherent fascination are followed by precise, but not overly formal, developments of the techniques needed to make sense of them. By focusing on the unifying themes of approximation and the resolution of paradoxes that arise in the transition from the finite to the infinite, the text turns what could be a daunting cascade of definitions and theorems into a coherent and engaging progression of ideas. Acutely aware of the need for rigor, the student is much better prepared to understand what constitutes a proper mathematical proof and how to write one.

Product Information
Binding: Softcover
Specs: 312 pages | 1.01 Lbs
ISBN: 1493950266
ISBN-13: 9781493950263
Edition: 2
Publisher: Springer Nature | Publish Date 02/15 | Copyright 2015
Series: Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
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