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Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp. Text with Access Code (Expert Consult)
by Berman, Louis H.  - 12th Ed. / ©2021 / with Supplement
Your Price: $191.99
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology
by Patel, Shanon  - 2nd Ed. / ©2024 / Softcover
Your Price: $99.95
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Endodontics: Principles and Practice. Text with Access Code (Expert Consult)
by Torabinejad, Mahmoud DMD, PhD  - 6th Ed. / ©2021 / with Supplement
Your Price: $150.99
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Essential Endodontology: Prevention and Treatment of Apical Periodontitis
by Orstavik, D  - 3rd Ed. / ©2020 / Hardcover
Your Price: $164.95
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
PRF Applications in Endodontics
by Sabeti, Mike  - 1st Ed. / ©2020 / Hardcover
Your Price: $78.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Ingle's Endodontics. 2-Volume Set. 50th Anniversary Edition
by Ingle, John I. DDS  - 7th Ed. / ©2019 / Hardcover
Your Price: $239.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Textbook of Endodontology
by Bjorndal, Lars  - 3rd Ed. / ©2018 / Hardcover
Your Price: $142.95
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
ITI Treatment Guide: Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone: Current Teratment Modalities and Materials for Single-tooth Replacements
by Buser, Daniel DDS  - 1st Ed. / ©2017 / Hardcover
Your Price: $98.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice
by Chong, Bun San PhD  - 7th Ed. / ©2017 / Softcover
Your Price: $89.95
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Art and Science of Contemporary Surgical Endodontics
by Torabinejad, Mahmoud PhD  - 1st Ed. / ©2017 / Hardcover
Your Price: $198.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Advanced CBCT for Endodontics: Technical Considerations, Perception, and Decision-Making
by Khademi, John A. DDS, MS  - 1st Ed. / ©2017 / Hardcover
Your Price: $148.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Occlusal Adjustments in Implants and Natural Dentition: 3D Occlusion: TMJ Pathology Related to Occlusion: Etiopathology and Treatment. Text with DVD
by Jimenez-Lope  - 1st Ed. / ©2016 / with Supplement
Your Price: $164.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Esthetics in Dentistry
by Schwartz-Ara  - 1st Ed. / ©2016 / Hardcover
Your Price: $198.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics
by Sans, Francesca Abella DDS, PhD  - 1st Ed. / ©2016 / Hardcover
Your Price: $98.00
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
Root Canal Biofilm
by Chavez dePaz, Luis E  - 1st Ed. / ©2015 / Hardcover
Your Price: $249.99
Usually ships within 2-4 weeks Available online Available online
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