Correctional Counseling And Treatment
by Kratcoski, Peter C.

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Product Description
Today, the role of the correctional counselor is vitally important as policy makers, courts, and correctional personnel seek effective and efficient ways to handle increasing prison and jail populations. The fifth edition of Kratcoski's extensive collection remains true to the nature of previous, highly regarded editions. It contains relevant, understandable articles that offer students realistic insights into the most widely used techniques applied to juveniles and adults in both institutional and community settings. Fifteen new selections combine with eighteen remaining articles to provide authoritative analysis and perspectives. Kratcoski's section introductions contextualize and explain the relevance of each article. Readers will find this outstanding collection to be a valuable resource on counseling and treatment techniques and programs, as well as their effects, in a wide range of correctional settings.

Product Information
Binding: Softcover
Specs: 624 pages | 1.9 Lbs
ISBN: 1577663462
ISBN-13: 9781577663461
Edition: 5
Publisher: Waveland Press | Publish Date 06/04 | Copyright 2004

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