This engaging guide addresses the extraordinary breadth of the social work profession and the diverse career paths available. Updated and expanded, the third edition includes 15 vivid new profiles of social workers who describe the rewards and challenges of their distinct roles. It presents b .Social Justice Spotlights'. highlighting important social and political issues germane to different practice domains. The new edition also delivers current data on employment opportunities and salaries from the Department of Labor and provides links to new resourcesb books, essays, films, and websites that enable readers to investigate specific career paths in greater depth. It dispels common myths about the social work profession and demonstrates why social work is a smart choice for those seeking a career of service that requires creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a passion for social justice. |
Binding: Softcover |
Specs: 300 pages |
ISBN: 0826143253 |
ISBN-13: 9780826143259 |
Old Edition: 0826129056 |
Edition: 3 |
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated | Publish Date 12/19 | Copyright 2019 |