Motivational Interviewing in Social Work Practice
by Hohman, M

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Product Description
The definitive text on motivational interviewing (MI) written by and for social workers has now been updated and expanded with 60% new material, including a revised conceptual framework, cutting-edge applications, and enhanced pedagogical features. Melinda Hohman and her associates demonstrate what MI looks like in action, how it transforms conversations with clients, and how to integrate it into social work practice in a wide range of settings. Extensive new case examples and annotated sample dialogues bring the concepts to life, helping readers build their own repertoires of MI skills. The book also summarizes the research base for MI and shares expert recommendations for teaching, training, and professional development.

Product Information
Binding: Softcover
Specs: 284 pages | 1.45 Lbs
Old Edition: Click Here
Edition: 2
Publisher: Guilford Publications Incorporated | Publish Date 03/21 | Copyright 2021
Series: Applications of Motivational Interviewing
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