Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging
by Wang, Lihong V.

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Product Description
This entry-level textbook, covering the area of tissue optics, is based on the lecture notes for a graduate course (Bio-optical Imaging) that has been taught six times by the authors at Texas A&M University. After the fundamentals of photon transport in biological tissues are established, various optical imaging techniques for biological tissues are covered. The imaging modalities include ballistic imaging, quasi-ballistic imaging (optical coherence tomography), diffusion imaging, and ultrasound-aided hybrid imaging. The basic physics and engineering of each imaging technique are emphasized.

Product Information
Binding: Hardcover
Specs: 376 pages | 1.15 Lbs
ISBN: 0471743046
ISBN-13: 9780471743040
Edition: 1
Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc. | Publish Date 05/07 | Copyright 2007

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