Products with author Durham, Roberta F. RN, PhD

Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing: Critical Components of Nursing Care. Text with Access Code
by Durham, Roberta F. RN, PhD

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Product Description
Davis Advantage for Maternal-Newborn Nursing combines an easy-to-read textbook with an innovative online program to create an immersive learning experience for students and an integrated solution for instructors, whether teaching traditionally or virtually. An access code inside new, printed textbooks unlocks an ebook, as well as access to Davis Advantage. Or choose the all-digital Instant Access option, which includes the ebook and immediate access to Davis Advantage. An easy-to-read, need-to-know approach, with student-friendly features focuses on delivering the critical content to today...s learners. A visually engaging design that features bulleted content, flow charts, diagrams, and tables make it easy to understand.

Product Information
Binding: with Supplement
Specs: 720 pages | 3.47 Lbs
ISBN: 1719645736
ISBN-13: 9781719645737
Old Edition: 0803666543
Edition: 4
Publisher: Davis, F.A. | Publish Date 10/22 | Copyright 2023
Format: Textbook

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