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Case Management and Rehabilitation Counseling: Procedures and Techniques
Case Management and Rehabilitation Counseling: Procedures and Techniques
by Roessler, Richard T.
 $63.00  $56.70 Savings: (10% Off)
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
by Privitera, Gregory J.
 $179.00  $161.10 Savings: (10% Off)
Encouraging the Heart: A Leader's Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others
Encouraging the Heart: A Leader's Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others
by Kouzes, James M.
 $20.00  $18.00 Savings: (10% Off)
Introduction to Aging: A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach
Introduction to Aging: A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach
by Sugar, Judith A. PhD
 $110.00  $101.20 Savings: (8% Off)
Understanding Families: Supportive Approaches to Diversity, Disability and Risk
Understanding Families: Supportive Approaches to Diversity, Disability and Risk
by Hanson, Marci J. PhD
 $44.95  $40.46 Savings: (10% Off)
Beyond Behavior Modification: Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Behavior Management in the School
Beyond Behavior Modification: Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Behavior Management in the School
by Kaplan, Joseph S.
 $69.00  $62.10 Savings: (10% Off)
Direct Practice Skills for Evidence-Based Social Work: A Strengths-Based Text and Workbook
Direct Practice Skills for Evidence-Based Social Work: A Strengths-Based Text and Workbook
by Pomeroy, Elizabeth C. PhD
 $85.00  $78.20 Savings: (8% Off)
Social Competence of Young Children: Risk, Disability, and Intervention
Social Competence of Young Children: Risk, Disability, and Intervention
by Brown, William H. PhD
 $42.95  $38.66 Savings: (10% Off)
Introduction to Social Work: An Advocacy-Based Profession
Introduction to Social Work: An Advocacy-Based Profession
by Cox, L
 $151.00  $135.90 Savings: (10% Off)
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches
by Creswell, John W.
 $95.00  $85.50 Savings: (10% Off)
Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
by Strauss, Anselm C.
 $100.00  $90.00 Savings: (10% Off)
Developing Anti-Racist Cultural Competence
Developing Anti-Racist Cultural Competence
by Abdulrehman, Rehman
 $29.80  $26.82 Savings: (10% Off)
Applied Logistic Regression Analysis
Applied Logistic Regression Analysis
by Menard, Scott William
 $30.00  $27.00 Savings: (10% Off)
Statistics for the Health Sciences: A Non-Mathematical Introduction
Statistics for the Health Sciences: A Non-Mathematical Introduction
by Dancey, Christine P.
 $89.00  $80.10 Savings: (10% Off)
Statistics for the Health Sciences: A Non-Mathematical Introduction
Statistics for the Health Sciences: A Non-Mathematical Introduction
by Dancey, Christine P.
 $232.00  $208.80 Savings: (10% Off)